The Gift of Glasses

The Gift of Glasses

There are many people who use or need glasses or contact lenses, and some of our beneficiaries are among them. But our beneficiaries don´t have the means to buy the glasses that they need. For these people, what they need is something so small, but it makes such a big difference and it´s just out of their reach. Pan de Vida helps them reach it. We give out glasses to people in need.

We enlist the help of a professional to determine exactly what sort of glasses each person needs and what strength the glasses should be. After they have been evaluated, we order the glasses from the United States. We get them shipped in a box, either through a volunteer or through the mail, and we hand them out to the appropriate person. This month, we gave out 21 pairs of glasses.

Many of the recipients of our glasses are children. For children, it´s very important that they be able to see because they are students and need to be able to read their books. After receiving their glasses, some of the kids tested them out by trying to read without them and then comparing that experience to trying to read with them.

The smiles were everywhere, on the kids´ faces as well as the adults´. The glasses are colored and elegant. The need was real, and so is the joy. Thank you for helping us make this possible! If you want to donate to help us do more service projects like this, donate here. If you want to bring a group down to do a service project, contact us here.

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Av. America N39-183 Calle San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador

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