Yusmary Coromoto is a woman whose life is marked by unwavering dedication to her 23-year-old sister Daniela, who has an intellectual disability. After their mother’s departure, Yusmary lovingly took on the responsibility of supporting and caring for her sister, from basic needs like changing diapers to providing care during her menstrual period. With concern, she comments that she recently noticed changes in Daniela’s behavior, including episodes of aggression, hyperactivity, and sadness.

The situation became even more challenging since they had to leave their homeland and move to Ecuador, where they have faced considerable obstacles in accessing medical care. However, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of light came into their lives in the form of a person whose heart was moved upon seeing Yusmary and Daniela collecting bottles to survive. God moved this generous soul to give Daniela an opportunity to be evaluated by a private neurologist, who required an electroencephalogram to chart the course towards appropriate treatment. However, the financial burden of this procedure was impossible for Yusmary to bear.

During her desperation, we learned of her case and set out to support her through a helping hand, offering assistance for the examination, which relieved her of the economic and emotional burden. Additionally, we outlined an intervention plan that included the provision of food kits and medical appointments for the family. However, we recognized that the true need lay in the heart of the family, which longed for the presence and power of God. Therefore, we joined her in prayer, seeking strength and hope in the Gospel. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

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Av. America N39-183 Calle San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador

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