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How is God calling you to

- The circle of poverty can be broken and that begins with a relationship with Jesus Christ.
- All can share their gifts and talents and have the potential to serve others.
- In ministry done with excellence through financial stewardship, following ethical guidelines, and investing in lasting partnerships.
Our Programs

Hunger relief
On the second Sunday of each month in our ministry, we cook and then distribute the food to the people in need in streets. Per month we serve over 100 hot meals, we also give spiritual nourishment by sharing the gospel.

Goal: To improve children's chances of success in life. Last year (2022) we distributed more than 300 school kits and backpacks, plus grocery bags. We also do about 8 VBS youth camps and sports for the children each year in the summer.

Health program
In the last year (2022) our beneficiaries had about 2000 medical appointments. In addition, we have an annual health fair that screens patients for basic intervention needs. At these events we also distribute vitamins for the children to help against malnutrition.

The micro-entrepreneurship program is designed to support our beneficiaries with their business ideas. If selected, they receive seed capital of up to $100 in materials.

Projects include basic garbage removal and the construction of bathrooms, kitchens, and even small apartments.

Emergency relief
300 food kits sent to help the victims of the floods in 2008. 7,500 families helped after the 2016 earthquake with emergency kits and shelters. 600 Venezuelan immigrant families helped in 2018. 2500 immigrants helped in 2019. In the La Gasca flood in 2022, a total of 68 people, made up of 18 families, received help with food, hygiene kits, medical care, clothing, various items, among others.
Pan de Vida seeks to reach out to the families that fall under the line of poverty. These families are located on the peripheral areas of Quito. We believe we can make a difference in the lives of children, parents or families, ultimately breaking the circle of poverty in our community.
There are many ways to be involved as a volunteer with our ministry. Click on each section below to learn more.

Volunteer at one of our weekly feeding programs. Work involves cooking, serving, playing with kids, cleaning up, and more.
We also need volunteers to help with some of our special programs such as Hit Squads, Micro-business program, Kid’s Club, etc.
To participate you can contact us at , call us at (593) 2 600-6936 or fill our Local Volunteer Application.

Pan de Vida accepts interns to work with us for a period of 1 month up to 1 year. All persons interested in interning with us must fill out an application and be accepted by the board of Pan de Vida.
What do our Internships look like?
Interns are directly involved in helping develop our front-line projects which include but are not limited to the micro-business program, teen ministry, feeding program, summer camps, and HIT squads as well as communication, planning activities, recruiting volunteers, and logistics. You can expect at least half of your time to be spent on the front line projects working directly with our beneficiaries and half of it spent on the administrative side. We generally work with each applicant to try to tailor your experience considering both your gifts and talents as well as our ministry needs.
Fees and Requirements:
The cost of the internship depends on the length of the internship. You will be asked to raise your own support to cover your airfare, travel insurance, room and board, personal expenses, language classes, and personal travel.
Upon acceptance into the internship, we will create an account for you to be able to raise funds tax deductible through our 501c3. Any funds raised are non refundable. Pan de Vida will find you a host home for your stay and be responsible for picking you up and dropping you off from the airport on the day of your arrival and departure.
We will also provide an orientation and mentoring throughout your internship.
To apply to be an intern, please contact us:
or apply on our Internship Application

Short Term Missions
We offer Short Term Missions opportunities all year round at Pan de Vida. We can either accept a team or individuals who wish to serve short-term. Generally teams will come anywhere between 1-2 weeks to serve and projects depend on the group size, budget, and the interests of the team coming.
Some of the projects can include but are not limited to: Vacation Bible School, special field trips for the kids, Christmas programs, sewing and art projects, HIT squads (construction work), relief trips to Earthquake victims on the coast, and sports camps. In addition there is always some sort of construction or general house maintenance that needs to be done at our facility.
To apply to be a short-term mission team, please fill out our Short-Term Mission (Teams) Application.
One month prior to departure, EACH member MUST individually fill out the Team Member Form
Participant Pan de Vida Mission Team Key Info
To apply to be a short-term volunteer, please fill out our Short-Term Mission (Individuals) Application.
For more information contact us:

Long Term Missions
Pan de Vida is in need of Long-Term/Career Missionaries to serve on our team such as pastors, youth leaders, intern and mission team coordinators, and support staff.
All of our positions are volunteer based and require at minimum a one year commitment. Persons interested are required to raise their own personal support that would cover their basic living needs, room and board, transportation, international health insurance, schooling for children, language training personal expenses, etc. Language training is encouraged to start before arrival during your fund raising time but can occur or continue once in country as well.
To apply to be a long-term volunteer/missionary, you can fill our Long Term Missionary Application here or contact us at: