Community Development is having a significant spiritual impact on the families of the entrepreneurs in the city of Otavalo. We have the help of Segundo Anrango, he comes from one of the communities of Otavalo where he lived most of his life. Pan de Vida contacted him to start community development, with his help we are translating biblical lessons with agricultural topics for a better understanding by the people of the communities. He oversaw walking with his family in the ways of God, however his dream was to reach more people. Segundo, he began to preach in his native language “Quichua”. About a month ago the technical visits that are made in several communities in Otavalo were joined with the evangelization by Mr. Segundo Anrango. Throughout the time the technical assistants have observed and witnessed moments of brokenness, pain, worry, and discouragement, as well as joy, faith, love, compassion, and prayers that have touched the hearts of the people.
Some testimonies of these cases happened in some indigenous communities of Otavalo, for example:
In “Cumbasconde” where Mrs. Luzmila Cumba made a prayer request for the health of her son who has a disability, who with tears prayed to God to keep him and improve his health. In the community of “Pigulca” Mrs. Josefina Cachiguango asked prayer for her husband, who suffers from a serious illness, as well as families who are going through difficult situations as is the case of Mrs. Hermelinda Campo who is taking care of her grandson and lives alone, in this last case the prayer requests were answered in a physical way, a family made a donation so the family could have a bed and some necessary things for the baby.
Finally, a story that touched our hearts was from Mrs. Arequipa who despite the problem she has at home, always welcomes us with a smile and kindness that is characteristic of her; at first glance, you would not believe that she was going through a difficult situation, however, she heard the word of God, opened her heart and asked for a very special prayer for her son Froilán Nicolalde who is in the jail in Tulcán, the prayer she asked was for God’s mercy and forgiveness. And so, we can mention more testimonies of entrepreneurs where the word of God touched their hearts, and the seed was sown in good soil.
” Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty” Matthew 13:8.