Tania Sisa Maldonado Perugachi is a woman of strong faith who has learned to rely on the Lord through difficult circumstances. She is 22 years old, a single mother, and faced with the task of providing for her young boy and parents. Tania lives in a town named Cotacachi, in a home that is falling apart, with harsh conditions to be raising her son in, and to take care of her parents in. Thankfully, she has not had to confront these challenges alone. She has found her hope in Christ, and has sought to expand her community through worship services held in her home. She created a community of people, gathering with neighbors and family, to sing praise to God and learn from his Word.
Tania also found support and encouragement at Pan de Vida. She has received help through the form of school supplies for her child when she was introduced to the Micro-Entrepreneurship program. In addition, she received food kits for her family and gifts for her child during our Christmas program. Currently, Tania is a proud participant in Pan de Vida’s Micro-Entrepreneurship Program, developing her ongoing enterprise of raising guinea pigs to sell in the market in San Luis de Pigulca. This traditional food is a highly prized delicacy throughout the surrounding province of Imbabura which will ensure a stable income for Tania and her family. With the help of Pan de Vida’s seed capital program, Tania has been able to increase her productivity by raising more animals in better conditions. This has bolstered her hopes for the future. Tania firmly believes that with the blessing of God and through hard work, her enterprise will succeed. God’s provision through the work of Pan de Vida has given Tania the confidence and resources to provide for her family. We continue to pray for Tania and her family, and hope that others will be inspired to pursue freedom from poverty thanks to the story of her faith and hard work.