Genesis, a young single mother of 21 years old, faces enormous challenges every day in her life in Ecuador. Four years ago, she arrived in this country fleeing the economic and political crisis in Venezuela in search of a future. Genesis has 2 children Gael, 4 years old, and Mateo, just 4 months old, both born in Ecuador.

Her main economic activity is selling garbage bags on the streets. Every morning, she takes advantage of Gael being in daycare to go out to work. In the afternoons, she returns home and goes out again with Gael and Mateo to sell together. It’s an exhausting task, but it’s the only way she must ensure some support for her family.

One of the biggest difficulties Genesis faces is the lack of support for caring for her children while she works. She has no one to help her, so her children accompany her everywhere. It’s an overwhelming responsibility for her, but she has no other option.

Pan de Vida has provided the family with food and clothing kits, which has been of great help to them. Additionally, through our hot meal program, we want to provide the opportunity to share with other families benefiting from the foundation, so that Pan de Vida becomes a space of familiarity and mutual support for Genesis and her children, and we can share biblical teaching that allows her to know more about God.

Despite the challenges, Genesis keeps the hope alive that things will improve. Her children are her greatest motivation, and she does everything possible to give them a better future. She deeply appreciates Pan de Vida for their support, knowing that with faith and perseverance they can overcome any obstacle that comes their way.



Av. America N39-183 Calle San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador