Isbel is a 24-year-old mother who lives in the south of Quito. Until recently, her family consisted of her husband and two daughters, but due to the complicated situation that the country is going through, the father decided to emigrate to the United States illegally, or at least that’s what his wife wants to think. With tears in her eyes, the young woman tells us that one morning he said goodbye saying he was going to work to ensure the future of their children, but she never thought he would go so far away. She told us, “It got late at night, and I got worried, I waited all night, but it’s been two months now and I haven’t heard from him.” Four days after his disappearance, he called her to tell her that he was very close to Colombia, and this was the only call they shared after his departure, as he no longer responds to any calls or messages.

The anguish and desperation reflected in her gaze, and she lowered her head and said “I had given birth to my son two days before he left, and now I’m alone.” Finding herself in this situation, a friend from Venezuela took her and her 6-year-old daughter Camila in to live with her. Now, the 5 of them live in a small apartment that consists of a living room and a kitchen. Everyone sleeps in the living room, behind a hanging sheet. Isbel is in charge of taking care of the children and keeping the home in order, while her friend works 4 days a week cleaning office in order to cover the costs of food, education, rent, and basic services.

One morning, while on her way to her daughter’s school, a people saw her need and told her about the support that Fundación Pan de Vida provides to people in vulnerable situations. She then came to our facilities and followed the whole process accompanied by the social work team, which developed an intervention proposal that in her case would cover three significant aspects: spiritual, food and education. We showed that in spite of everything God is with her and her family, that she is not alone and that she can fully trust in him, we prayed for her and gave her support, food kits were delivered with the objective of providing the family with the necessary nutrients for their physical wellbeing. In addition, school supplies kits were given to the girls in order to reduce the economic impact of going to school. On the other hand, Isbel and her children are included in the various events that the Foundation carries out for the personal and emotional development of its beneficiaries, the most recent was the Breastfeeding Workshop where she actively participated with her little Sacdiel.

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Av. America N39-183 Calle San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador

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